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Tree Specialists, Inc.
Premier, certified Arborists

Spokane, Washington

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Yard Pruning

Yard pruning... probablyOne of the Tree Specialists crew pruning a hedge not the first thing you think of when employing a tree service. Tree Specialists, Inc. offers excellent yard care for your shrubs and other plantings that benefit from regular pruning.

Our staff is well trained in the pruning requirements of various plantings. Whether the style of your yard is casually natural or has a more formal nature, your Tree Specialists crew will have it trimmed to perfection.

We pride ourselves on leaving each A finished pruning jobyard clean of any debris from the pruning process. If there is ever a question, or if you have a special request, we are here to help and we want to help you achieve the yard that you want.

Ornamentals, shrubs and bushes, fruit trees and all of your landscape pruning needs... Tree Specialists, Inc. is your professional and certified tree and yard pruning company.

Call today: 509-624-2172

Our Services
Pruning Yard Pruning
Removing Crown Reduction
Our Work Our Pledge

Certified Arborists

We are Licensed, Bonded and Insured
License Number: TREESI*035JC

Our Services About Us
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Tree Specialists, Inc.
Ray McElfish
P.O. Box 6483
Spokane, WA 99217
Phone: 509-624-2172
FAX: 509-624-1854
Toll Free:866-624-2172

All original graphics and text are copyrighted © 2013 by
Tree Specialists, Inc. and may not be used without permission.

Last Updated - October, 2013